Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Wonders of Nature
One of my favorite things to do is watch the rain. Thunderstorms mainly, or just simple pouring rains. It is my favorite thing nature has to offer. Sitting in my room and listening to the rain is a magical thing. Makes me feel at peace. Hearing the individual drops hit my room window or being in a car and watching them slide down one by one on the passenger window. Racing which drop will make it to the bottom first. Rain is a beautiful and extraordinary thing. Watching and listening to thunderstorms from my bed is like nature giving me a grand performance. The thunder and lightning are all so fascinating to me. Always wondering and thinking to myself: How is this possible!?! These white cotton ball things in the sky are literally leaking water and making noise. Whenever I experience watching the rainfall, it makes me feel comfortable. No matter how many times I've seen it, it always makes me smile. Me being in my room, or under my covers makes the experience even better. Being in my bed is my favorite place to be (with my puppies of course).
I don't only feel this way when it rains at home. When I am at school and it is thunderstorming, I find it very ominous. With the fluorescent lights and dark clouded surroundings. Only hearing the sound of the pitter-patter of the rain as it falls, and drowning out the teachers boring lectures. Fills me with joy and makes me feel like I want to be at school for once. I think it is so important to have places like this in your life. Somewhere you can be yourself and not feel negative energy. Place where you can feel sane again. 

Protests and Problems

Civil Disobedience
I have authority problems. I've never liked being told what to do, not now, and not ever. If I believe in my own opinion then I will argue it. I don't think I would ever feel compelled to break the law to protest, because if it's a protest and I agree with them then they can do the law breaking for me. I'm not sure how I feel about public protest. I honestly think it scares me a little. When I was in Mexico in August I saw a protest going on. There were probably hundreds of people, walking down the streets with signs and chanting the same thing over and over. Children and adults. The chants were in spanish of course, and spanish not being my first language, I asked my mom what they were saying. She said they were protesting about bus taxes and that the government had raised prices. Now if you have ever been to Mexico you would know that the people who live the use busses often. To get to school, work, and home. Every single day. I think that it's good that they're protesting. I just think that it unfortunate that that's what they have to do to get the government's attention. I think when a person fights for something they believe in, it is the greatest personality trait anyone could have. To have the courage and confidence to not just sit back and agree with whatever someone says.  To stand up for what you believe in. Martin Luther King Jr. for example. He had courage like no other, and although his life was taken wrongly for it, look at what he has done. He made people see his vision for the world. There is so much more power when someone is not taking a stand alone. And that is what protesting is all about.

Earful Resonance



Who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me? 
Who stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams? 

Let there be love 
Let there be love 

I hope the weather is calm as you sail up your heavenly stream 
Suspended clear in the sky are the words that we sing in our dreams 

Let there be love 
Let there be love 
Let there be love 
Let there be love 

Come on Baby Blue 
Shake up your tired eyes 
The world is waiting for you 
May all your dreaming fill the empty sky 
But if it makes you happy 
Keep on clapping 
Just remember I'll be by your side 
And if you don't let go it's gonna pass you by 

Who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me? 
Who stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams? 

Let there be love 
Let there be love

Romanticism is defined as:
  1. a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual.

 If that made zero sense to you, please take the time to look at this website:

This song represent romanticism becuase although the lyrics dont go into detail on what Nathan(Lead vocalists and songwriter of Oasis) is saying, it has a much deeper meaning. This song is about letting your friends and family into your life when you're feel like shutting everyone out. That it's okay to let people know how you're feeling way down inside. To not let it win, and there's so much in the world to see. To let there be love in your life and who has took away your sunshine and undone your happiness. It is so important to not keep everything inside. Because it will destroy you from the inside out.

Sexy Vampires

Twilight is honestly one of my favorite book series and I'm sad that they're done with them. I enjoy the movies even more because I am a visual person. Not to mention Robert Pattinson is hot. :-) The vampire, werewolf aspect never scared me though. However I'd probably think different if I were to encounter any. I think I'm not afraid because I know that these people are actors and none of it is real. Plus, they make the actors sexy! I'd want them to kill me. Speaking of hot actors, the television series The Vampire Diaries is also something I find quite entertaining. And I wonder if the only reason I'm attracted to these shows is because of the hot actors or the concept of supernatural beings. I think being a vampire/werewolf just makes you badass and I'm sure I am not the only one who thinks that. If you could choose what supernatural being, what would you choose? Werewolf? Vampire? Witch? Personally I'd have to go with vampire. Thinking about it I am kind of torn between werewolf and vampire. This is because, I think a wolf is a cool animal and well being able to turn into one is pretty awesome. There wouldn't be an issue of being hungry either. For instance, if I was a vampire and I got hungry I would have to feed on someone's blood(which could get me into some trouble if people start going "missing"). The powers that come with being a vampire are so much more intriguing though. Super hearing, supervision, super strength, super speeds, ability to heal quickly, having fangs! Also, the benefit of being automatically sexy if you're a vampire. I think people see vampires /werewolves and get the sense of "sexy fearfulness". Which is a term that I just now created, which means that they feel fear, but are so overpowered by their sexiness that it completely doesn't make them scary at all.

Romanticism through Film

Edward Scissorhands by Tim Burton is a classic and a good example of a romanticist film. Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors and this movie really pushed his career further along. The movie is a good example of romanticism because it is all about this person who is an outsider and trying to fit in with everyone else. He has to accept who he is and let other people in.This can be a hard to do when the thing that makes you an outsider are having giant scissors for hands. Edward's (played by Johnny Depp) character develops throughout the movie. At first Edward is timid and cautious about leaving the castle he had lived in for so long on his own after his creator dies unexpectedly when showing Edward the prosthetic hands he made. As the movie continued Edward feels more comfortable and feels apart of the community, but it quickly changes when he is framed and seen as a monster. He feels alone and back to where he started. Angry and upset, towards the end of the movie the girl that Edward grew a likeness too comforts him by saying she loved him. Edward felt closure to know that he was still loved and finally accepted what he was. The setting of the movie was suburban and all the houses looked the exact same but with different colors. The reason Tim Burton chose this is because that's what the neighborhoods looked like when he was a kid. He got the idea of this movie because, he himself, felt like an outsider and wanted to fit in. The other characters did not have character develop and remained relatively the same except the girl Edward fell for: Kim. At first she thought he was weird and then later began to try and understand him and fell for him too.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Children At Work

In my neighborhood, there are many kids. Their ages range from 1-15. I don't always see them playing outside but when I do, it's usually moms walking with their babies in the stroller. When I see babies I don't usually think of my childhood, but of my future. That one day I'd have a baby and a family. It makes me smile to see these women taking the time to enjoy and spend time with their child. When I see older kids ages from 5-10, they're either riding their bikes,playing with a football, or drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Seeing kids this age makes me miss my childhood. They are so innocent and seem to not wonder about the world, but that's the difference. I wondered all about the world. Even though I say I miss my childhood, I always wanted to be older. I was a very independent child and still am. Even to this day I wish I was older. I guess it's more of I miss the simplicity of childhood and lack of responsibilities. I think I find myself acting more childlike when I am with my family and boyfriend. I am the youngest of 4 kids in my family and the oldest is 8 years older than me. So as you can imagine I feel quite young at times. When I am with my boyfriend, I act silly and I remember always being so silly when I was younger. I enjoy being a child except when it limits me. I like to be treated as equal, not based on how old I am because overall, I consider myself pretty mature.If I were to return to childhood, I would return to my oldest memories of when I was 5. I think I enjoyed life then, still being young with all my siblings. 

Leaves, Leaves, and More Leaves

I dislike fall and winter. I do not enjoy the cold whatsoever. Probably because I am a spring baby. The only thing I enjoy of fall, are the leaves. The colors they change into are so vibrant. Ranging from deep reds to violet purples to an umber orange until they finally detach themselves from where they've been for the last several months.They remind me of life in a way. The way in order to grow you must fall. In other words when you're in tough situations, just know that when you get through it you will grow as an individual. Not only is it the color, but the motion of the leaves falling is also a beautiful sight. When I watch them fall, it's as if they are falling in slow motion. It's like im literally watching time go by. If time was an object it would be the leaves of trees. But it's not only the appearance. The most satisfying thing about the leaves once they fall is the crunch of the dried leaves when you step on them. The louder the crunch, the bigger my smile is. Onto another topic is my dog. Watching him sleep is possibly the cutest thing on the planet. He seems so content. He sleeps right next to my head when it's time for bed and even rolls onto his back to sleep at times. I wonder what he dreams about. He essentially is an old man for whom I adore. He snores and he doesn't show much change to when he is awake because I have a theory that he was a cat in another lifetime. He's very lazy, sleeps 60% of the day and does not play with toys. I consider him very laid back and the perfect dog for me because he suits my personality.

Loud Noises

Busy Place
I never enjoyed being in places with a multitude of people. Felt judged, crowded, and not comfortable. In fact, the thought of going to the mall does not excite me. And yes I know I am a 16 year old teenage girl. Walking around back and forth from one side of the mall to the other again and again until you find what you're looking for at a good price vs snuggling up with your dog and watching episodes of The Office (US) on Netflix. Now tell me which one sounds more appealing. However, I do enjoy new clothes... so you gotta do what you gotta do. Recently, my friend dragged me to the mall with her(because unlike me, she's a normal teenage girl who enjoys shopping). Knowing I wasn't going to buy anything, I spent a lot of time observing my surroundings. I followed her around while she'd ask my opinion of different clothing. I was used to doing so, so it didn't bother me. As 20 minutes passed, I was getting severely bored. So, I sat in one of the chairs outside the stores and I began to watch people as they did their own shopping. Everyone was different. The first person that caught my attention was a man of about 6 feet(maybe). He had a business suit on and had a bluetooth in his ear. He was sitting in a chair outside one of the many stores and looked focussed as his eyes were glued to his iphone. Probably looking at statistics, or whatever businessmen do. He looked like he had underlying stress problems. He seemed to be the type to always be busy and finally got the chance to take a break. He looked successful by the way he carried himself(suit,well-groomed,nice watch), but one could think he's lonely due to the fact he had no wedding ring and he was in his late 30's. The next person I noticed was a large woman with a young boy who looked to be the age of 7(presumably her son). The boy had a frown on his face by the way he was dragging his feet you could tell he did not want to be there. In his defense, neither did I. The woman also had a frown on her face, but she looked more irritated than sad. She looked like a stay-home mom who lived in an unhappy marriage and that kind of saddened me. The fourth person was a teenage boy and his girlfriend (they were holding hands). She was very pretty and he was handsome. They looked happy together but as a teenage girl herself with her own boyfriend, I can imagine they have their issues from time to time. She appeared attached to him by how closely they walked. Lastly was a goth girl. She wore dark clothing, heavy black makeup, and had the stereotypical jewelry to go along with it. Although the stereotype was that goth people are "vicious" and "people you don't want to mess with", this girl looked kind as she'd laugh with friends of similar appearance. Finally my friend was done and we could go home. On the way home, I wondered if people looked at me that deeply observant.

Peaceful Serenity

Meditation takes on many different forms. Could be as simple as listening to your favorite song whist lying in bed or playing a favorite sport. There's no wrong way to meditate. The definition of meditation is: The action or practice of meditating. However, the similes the word possesses are:Contemplation,thought, thinking, musing,pondering, and reflection. Nature has always been a sacred place of mine from a young age. When I was 5, I would wake up at nine in the morning and go straight outside after making myself (as well as a mess) a bowl of cheerios. I would smell the  crisp morning air as I'd walk around the corner of my house in my backyard to do what I always did. Which was lift up a wooden plank that had been always on the ground stuck in place in the mud between grass. It was an odd habit, don't get me wrong, but there  was always a sense of unfinished business if I had not lifted up the board. What was under the board you may ask? Well, as gross as it sounds there were insects of all kinds. Roly polies, centipedes, beetles, and my favorite: Earthworms. I was so amazed by these creature who dig tunnels underground. Always asking myself questions like: How do they get through the dirt? How do they even move, they have no legs! To my amusement, I later found out that they eat the dirt and then dispose of it out the other end. Being alone outside.. it was like I was in my own little world. I consider it my form of meditation because I am very soothed by the sounds of nature and exploring. I haven't been able to go out in nature and reminisce on my childish ways. Recently though, I did. The feelings of being a 5 year old all came back to me at once and filled me with joy. Hearing the sounds of the birds, and the colors of nature make you feel like you've freed yourself from society. Even tripping on rocks, and branches could never upset me. Seeing the dew on plants and examining them meticulously. It's all very revigorating. The only thing I longed for was a nice big tree to climb and continue to breathe in my surroundings. I am forever thankful to know there is a place to get away from my everyday, routine life.