Saturday, November 14, 2015

Peaceful Serenity

Meditation takes on many different forms. Could be as simple as listening to your favorite song whist lying in bed or playing a favorite sport. There's no wrong way to meditate. The definition of meditation is: The action or practice of meditating. However, the similes the word possesses are:Contemplation,thought, thinking, musing,pondering, and reflection. Nature has always been a sacred place of mine from a young age. When I was 5, I would wake up at nine in the morning and go straight outside after making myself (as well as a mess) a bowl of cheerios. I would smell the  crisp morning air as I'd walk around the corner of my house in my backyard to do what I always did. Which was lift up a wooden plank that had been always on the ground stuck in place in the mud between grass. It was an odd habit, don't get me wrong, but there  was always a sense of unfinished business if I had not lifted up the board. What was under the board you may ask? Well, as gross as it sounds there were insects of all kinds. Roly polies, centipedes, beetles, and my favorite: Earthworms. I was so amazed by these creature who dig tunnels underground. Always asking myself questions like: How do they get through the dirt? How do they even move, they have no legs! To my amusement, I later found out that they eat the dirt and then dispose of it out the other end. Being alone outside.. it was like I was in my own little world. I consider it my form of meditation because I am very soothed by the sounds of nature and exploring. I haven't been able to go out in nature and reminisce on my childish ways. Recently though, I did. The feelings of being a 5 year old all came back to me at once and filled me with joy. Hearing the sounds of the birds, and the colors of nature make you feel like you've freed yourself from society. Even tripping on rocks, and branches could never upset me. Seeing the dew on plants and examining them meticulously. It's all very revigorating. The only thing I longed for was a nice big tree to climb and continue to breathe in my surroundings. I am forever thankful to know there is a place to get away from my everyday, routine life.

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